Sunday, August 17, 2008

BET...A Life Shaken Experience!!!

This is a day that will go down in history. I will never forget the day that I went to BET for my meeting with Mr. Reginald Hudlin. It was a life shaken experience. As I sat patiently in the lobby anxiously waiting to meet with Mr. Hudlin, I experienced something I never experienced before. The building began to sway from side to side and the chadleliers swung back and forth. I looked around the room and on every face there was an expression that said, what is going on. IT WAS AN EARTHQUAKE. I held onto my chair until it was over. Everyone came running out of their offices in shock. They mentioned that it's been years since they last had an earthquake. Thank God the building was built to handle situations like this. I don't know what I thought at the time, but I don't want to experience anything bigger or worst.

After all the shock was over, I completed my meeting with Mr. Hudlin and now being mentored by him. Being that he is the President of BET programming and has directed several films, I know I'll learn alot from him.

I was also blessed with the opportunity to be the first youngest intern on board. This is a history in making.

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